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Hi. Thanks for this article. I came here from reading your mild critique on the Braver Angels website. I recently began attending some of their events and have found them curious qnd rather unsatisfying, for the very reasons you described: their debates don't really allow the opportunity to drill down into the issues raised, in a methodical, thorough manner, in order to resolve the issues and find common ground. I agree it's useful to have a forum that facilitates and encourages everyone to listen to each other, and for these fora to be popping up around the country, but it doesn't really help--or teach methods for--coming to a meeting of the minds.

My main goal in attending is to share information that is being heavily censored in schools, academia, healthcare, and the mainstream media, so simply being given a little space to raise the issue is helpful for getting out the word on my community's side of the issue. And I also appreciate being able to hear conservatives articulate why they hold the views they do.

Since you wrote about Braver Angels not quite satisfying the need for more effective and useful debate to resolve conflicts, have you considered starting a similar organization, say, at a small, local scale, but one that has a more effective debate format that helps people air, analyze, and hopefully resolve issues better?

It would be nice to see such an organization started, and facilitated to grow similar to the way that Braver Angels facilitates its replication and growth.

Or do you know of any such political discussion and debate organization that exists, please?

Or any organzation or group that might start one?

Thanks again for your mild critique. Do you still attend BA debates?

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